Took a few minutes to do some embroidery. I don't plan on leaving it in the hoop, but I'm not too sure what I want to do with it actually.
Monday, May 30, 2011
A Little Something
Took a few minutes to do some embroidery. I don't plan on leaving it in the hoop, but I'm not too sure what I want to do with it actually.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Fun & Games Too Though
Monday, May 23, 2011
Music Monday: Belle & Sebastian
Beautiful, beautiful! The first time I listened to Belle & Sebastian was actually due to a CD I picked up from my local public library when I was in high school. They are one of my favorite bands because they were one of the "gateway" groups that really pushed me into enjoying the music I do now so very much. In college, I used to harass my best friend by singing, "Judy" & getting it stuck in her head for days & days!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Refusing to be Merely "Inspired"
So remember when I got a Pinterest account & was like, "oh, I hope this doesn't ruin my productivity"? Well, nothing can! Unfortunately there is this thing about bookmarking things where sometimes those links turn bad after a while. However, the image using abilities of Pinterest meant that I was able to stare at a picture still.
There was a little picture of these cute crocheted pillows & I thought maybe I would use a pattern, but since the link died, I remembered that inventing a square-like pattern is not hard. Expect this to be attached to a pillow soon!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Now It's Personal
I guess I was feeling a bit down especially because I had been feeling like I wasn't doing much in the way of personal growth. I think this year was unique in the sense that usually, I am doing so much internal change, but this time there were so many external changes that I had trouble keeping up.
In my 23rd year
- I graduated college!
- left my longest held job
- Saw a friend of mine that I'd known since high school get married & thought, "awwwwhhh" a lot
- Briefly played softball even though I hate sports because I liked the people who were playing
- made friends with the ex
- had probably 3,000,000,000 chocolate milkshakes at Fat Jack's
- got to see for probably the last time, the free Shakespeare plays in Woodward Park
- went to a trillion parties, realized that I do, in fact, not hate parties
- visited Los Angeles to see where I would be living, ended up at Disneyland instead
- wrote wrote wrote
- tried to learn to swim again (failed, seriously someone help me!)
- watched lots of movies
- moved to Los Angeles
- got a new job (yeah I was unemployed for the whole summer, it was fun, I was poor)
- unmade friends with the ex
- dyed my hair many many many times
- made new friends
- started grad school
- briefly dated someone, got dumped before I even knew where I stood with the guy. Initially was sad, now I can't find it anything but hilarious
- began volunteering!
- was a power ranger for Halloween with new friends
- went to lots of museums
- became hooked on coffee
- did lots of work in class that was challenging/heartbreaking/fulfilling
- got my wallet stolen for the first time ever
- experienced, "the guy that randomly never called back" (rude!)
- was "the girl that randomly never called back" to someone else (more rude! I know that I know better than to behave that way)
- Disneyland again!
- saw some pretty great bands/musicians. LA has some nice venues (there, I said something nice about you, city that I am not terribly fond of)
- sort of figured out LA's public transportation system (it's kind of a disaster), also lost my bus pass kind of a lot of times
- put a hole in my ear, aggravated it with a sweater, freaked out about it being infected & cried my eyes out like a big baby, was helped out by a friend, all is well
- kept on creating!
I mean really, it was a pretty insane year for me now that I've taken the time to actually look back on it. But you know, even though I still feel like I'm playing catch up to the external changes in my life, I'm feeling pretty good about where I am right now. One of the things I am told pretty often by people I meet is, "you seem pretty independent". This makes me really happy because I think it is my number one survival skill & a quality that I like about myself. Randomly moving to a place where I didn't know anyone really has put that independence to its limits. & yes, I do get lonely a lot, I think that's normal though considering the situation. With every day that passes I am getting a tiny bit tougher (grrrrrr), smarter, stronger, and freer (is this a word? Should I retract the smarter statement?). To me, personal growth is about constantly becoming a better version of yourself & I think I grew more than I initially realized. I am so happy that everyone who was a part of my 23rd year was there, whether it was a positive or negative interaction, making it so unique & definitely a year I won't forget, even when I am a little granny.
So hello, 24th year, we are just a few days in, it's nice to meet you. I've had some pretty amazing years so you have a lot to live up to, but I have no doubt you will. You are so full of unknown possibilities & I find that incredibly exciting. Looking forward to experiencing everything you have in store!
Papers are not fun
[soundcloud url="" params="show_comments=true&auto_play=false&color=008dff" width="100%" height="81" ]
Monday, May 16, 2011
Music Monday: Leonard Cohen
This Monday also happens to be my birthday (the big 2-4!) so I decided to share Leonard Cohen for this Music Monday. He is my all time favorite, he is my man.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Whew! I finally feel okay about showing you the completed diptych! I have been finding myself settling into the way I like to make things. More & more I want everything to look crafted, handmade, not professional. I want to share the way I see things in my head, not necessarily how they are or even how they can be.
So the hand I left relatively realistic. The courage it takes to let go of things is by no means light or distant. It is difficult. I decided to make the balloons incredibly unrealistic. What happens to every worry or every heartbreak that we let go of is a mystery, it is entirely imagination. I wanted my "imagination" canvas to be colorful, childlike, and made with love. I wanted it to be whimsical even though I am pretty tired of the word whimsical. I wanted the imagination aspect to be so light that the balloons literally lifted from the canvas, so I gave them that texture.
These two together are part painting, part craft project. While I am already thinking of a zillion ways my execution could have been better, I like the idea & the path these little projects seem to be taking.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Leave it Be & Walk Away
Okay, enough of this hand! I am forcing myself to just knock it off already. Moving on to the balloons . . .
Monday, May 9, 2011
Music Monday: The National
I went from being a casual listener of this band to being a bit obsessed. Every time I hear them, they just sound better & better!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
A Morning Off
I don't get a whole lot of days off. Generally if there's a day where I don't have to be at work, I need to be in class. Luckily my schedule this quarter has been a lot more consistent. So even on my day off, I woke up a bit early & got to spend the morning reading & having a very well made vanilla latte. Little moments like this, times of the day where you aren't freaking out about due dates & other responsibilities are so rare these days! & so wonderful! I often forget to document these tiny moments. I enjoy them for what they are & then suddenly, they're gone
Friday, May 6, 2011
Pulled into Pinterest
& now my productivity will take a giant fall as it already has, but I will certainly be collecting magical bookmarks to hopefully return to later. I just don't want this to get out of hand! Egad!
I am here.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Finally Framed!
So I think we can agree, maybe my time management skills are not the best? I tend to get things that must be done (schoolwork, showing up to work work) done, but sometimes I end up accidentally cutting out the things I just want to do which is not good! Anyway, I finally bought a frame for this little embroidery doodle (embroidery doodle?) but then when I was cleaning the frame, I cut myself on the glass & ended up bleeding off & on for about three days so I figured maybe I ought to just not work on that project for a bit & waited quite a while before trimming my embroidery & stuffing it in the frame!
I think I should like my next embroidery project to be a bit bigger! Not necessarily in size, but maybe in complexity at least. I hope to have lots of available craft time this summer!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
I Need You Like I Need Another Hole in my Head
Oh wait, I just got one! Finally! I have been wanting another ear piercing since I was a kid reading so so many of "The Babysitter's Club" books. Now I am one step closer to my fashion icon, Claudia Kishi!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Music Monday: Gregory & the Hawk
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Sometimes when I'm painting things, I tend to get really hung up on making a zillion layers with just very subtle changes in colors. Combining this with the fact that I really like drawing hands means I have spent way more time on this for how not close to being done it is. Haven't even started the other canvas!