Monday, July 25, 2011

Music Monday: Fiona Apple

I'm sure loads of people have seen this video already because this song came out ages ago. I'm posting it anyway though because I love it.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pardon the Abscence

Hi! My apartment building is run by people who are maybe a little less than what I would call competent at their jobs. I got a call on Wednesday basically saying, "Oh you know that room transfer you asked for months ago? Well if you still want it, you need to come pick up the other key on Friday (not before) & give us back your keys on Monday".

So I unexpectedly had to scoop up all the worldly possessions I had brought to & acquired in Los Angeles & move them to the next building over. Since I had almost no time to prep for this (I have two jobs!), I basically ended up filling every bag I had with stuff, taking it downstairs, walking over, taking it upstairs, emptying, taking bags downstairs, taking bags upstairs, filling, on repeat until there was nothing left to move.

So I've been a bit busy (& sore!) & not really the most productive in the realm of crafts the past few days. I am working on sewing something, or salvaging something that I started sewing & possibly ruined, so hopefully I'll have a proper update soon!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I actually finished this a while ago, but haven't really been in the mood for uploading images. Anyway, I think cameos are really pretty, but since it's pretty unlikely that I would actually learn the skills & acquire the tools to make one, I just  decided to make an embroidered cameo-looking thing. I haven't found a home for her because I'm not sure if I'm done here or if I want to make another for a kind of diptych or maybe even do a few  have a bit of a mini series. Whatever I end up choosing is going to affect the type of framing I want so for now I am just keeping her safe & hoping the fabric doesn't fray too much!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Another Roll of Film

Wow hi, I am bad at taking film in to be developed. Oh well! Here are a few snapshots:

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Something Strange is Happening . . .

A while back while I was at work, I was playing around with my very fun colored pencils. While the neon colors are really pretty, I realize that I tend to draw mostly natural things. So I basically ended up with a psychedlic forest in my notebook.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Music Monday: Zoé

Obviously I learned of this band through the Hello Seahorse! connection. So here is a video of Zoe playing with Lo Blondo!