Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Growing Avocados

Avocados are amazing. They are delicious, they are good for you, they can be a part of so many yummy dishes or just be consumed on their own. A few weeks ago, I decided to put two pits in water to see if they would grow & they've been making their way!

Sunday, June 27, 2010


I hate letting things go to waste & I love to craft. This results in trying to find ways to use up leftover bits from projects. I had been toying with the idea of making an afghan for ages & happened to find this pattern online, "Vintage Wheel Square", designed by Kathy North. It's a really pretty square & very easy to make so I've been making them from leftover yarn & stitching them together as an afghan. I really love how it looks & I love how each square reminds me of another project, especially when it's a project I made as a gift. I'll be very happy when this project is complete, but until then, I'm having a lot of fun making it!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Dress Completion

Finally done! This dress took way too long to make, but it is done!!! This is the first time I have ever made a dress without a pattern, simply making it up as I went along. It does feel great to know that the design & all the work is mine, but I think I will try something simpler for my next sewing project!

Saturday, June 19, 2010


One of my favorite things about where I live is this really pretty bike path that cuts through a park & can take you to the river conservancy or basically the middle of nowhere. I love it because it's pretty quiet & you can see little rabbits & squirrels running alongside the trail. It feels a lot safer too because you aren't in danger of getting hit by a car or anything & can just take your time simply looking.

Here are a few photos from the trail:

& this is my bike which has accompanied me on so many adventures:

Monday, June 14, 2010

Further Dress Progress

Oh hello, it's me, the slowest seamstress you will ever meet. I have some pictures to share of the dress actually looking like a dress. I am still fine tuning the fit because I get so obsessive over that kind of thing. I've spent so many hours taking it off, pinning, & putting it on again. The nice thing about being your own dress form is that the dress fits you perfectly. Every unsymmetrical aspect of your body has exactly the kind of tailoring it needs! The not so nice thing about being your own dress form is being pricked repeatedly by pins. At any rate, I am pleased with the progress & found a nice yellow ribbon which I am thinking of adding to the waist.

Hopefully the next time I post about this dress, I will be saying, "hooray, I've a finished project to show you!"

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Here are just a few little doodles I made in a journal while watching some television. I think there might have been an America's Next Top Model marathon on, one of my favorite guilty pleasures!

While I was doodling the second one, I was thinking about this billboard on the 99 for mini horse parties. I always always always want to call the number & actually just have a party for the mini horses, even going so far as daydreaming about what kinds of cake would be appropriate to bake for them. I also happened to be wearing that coin necklace & well, my imagination always blends things together in silly ways. I am thinking of embroidering this one actually.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

What you Brought Home

So I am still working on that dress but I can never resist starting another project before actually finishing one. Not too long ago, I made this painting. It basically is along the same theme as that ceramics piece I posted the other day, just in a different medium. I suppose those kinds of ideas have just been bouncing around in my head lately.

Here's another picture without those shadows:

Here's a picture of what it looked like while I was working on it:

& I just really like this picture. I was taking a snapshot of the painting, but this little puppy was like, "oh wait, is something getting more attention than I am? That can't be right, let me just stick my head in here."

Friday, June 4, 2010

Very Exciting Indeed

I recently placed an order for some minicards from Moo and am very pleased with the results! They arrive in a nice, sturdy cardboard box with little tabs so you can also store any minicards you might receive from someone else. The print quality is also really great, very clear, very clean, & good card-stock.

Often, when people ask the age old small talk question of, "so, what do youuuuu like to do?", I respond with some kind of variance of "making things!" Of course the follow up, is "what kind of things?" & because I tend to love so many different mediums & also because I am horrible at describing things, I have a bit of trouble with answering that one. Creating Ugly Bird kind of helped with that because I could just show people, I could say, "oh well, you can see for yourself right here what kinds of things I make".

But people forget things! I certainly forget things all the time. So I thought these little cards might be nice to actually give a person. That way, when they are searching their purses or pockets or what have you, they can find my tiny card & say, "oh yes, that website, I suppose I should look at that".

So here are my cards, I look forward to handing them out!