Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Again With the Afghan!

It's actually all done now, I just haven't really had any good opportunities to take a snapshot of the completed blanket! Here are a few pictures of my afghan in progress. This was the point where I realized it was finally looking like a blanket instead of some mishmash of squares! I've linked to the pattern several times before, but if you would like to know where I found it, ask away!


  1. Oh, I love that, it's adorable! my brother has one like that, but he never lets me use it haha.

  2. this is adorable, how much time did you knitted til now?

  3. Thank you! That's too bad you can't use your brother's, it's probably really comfortable!

  4. I actually can't really knit at all! Every now & again, I'll try to pick it up, my stepmom is great at knitting! I have only managed to learn to crochet which I've done for around two years now. I find it a lot easier to handle one hook instead of two needles
