My stepmom is great at knitting (something I've never learned) and makes the most wonderful fingerless mitts! Every winter, she makes at least one new pair for me. They were always so perfect! Great for cold classrooms, playing guitar outdoors when it's chilly, taking photographs on cool mornings (I am one of those who likes to "feel" the controls). In Los Angeles (nearly 70 degrees in December um what?!?!?!!!), I get less use of them, but they are still great to have in the morning & evening when the sun isn't out. When I was visiting my family for Thanksgiving, my stepmom gave me the pair of mitts above, except they were plain & she suggested I crochet some type of decoration for them. My stepmom must be a little bit psychic because for the past few months, I have been obsessing over making little motifs from leftover yarn, but not knowing what to do with them.
So I whipped up two yellow circle-flowery things & stitched them to the mitts. Fast & easy! This took less time than it took me to watch the musical episode of Buffy (seriously, I watch this one episode about once a month), including time where I needed to stop what I was doing to wholeheartedly sing along with my favorite songs (um, everything with Giles!!!!!).
So cute! I love the color combo:)