Hey guys,
I am never really sure who all is reading here, so I shall refer to you as "guys", I hope no one minds.
Anyway, I typically que posts for about two weeks in case I get too busy to actually update, my last post was the last in que & I haven't set anything else up! Basically, the end of the quarter had me frantic with school work & then last Friday (3/18), my wallet was stolen.
Luckily, my wallet disappeared from me on the bus back home & not away! Also, I am very happy that I wasn't mugged or anything violent, I didn't even notice that my wallet was gone until I got to my apartment. It was a crowded bus, standing room only & it either fell out of my bag somehow or someone filched it while they were squeezing by. This person tried to spend $300 on my bank card, but luckily I had already canceled all of them.
Unfortunately, I was left in a pretty bad state emotionally. I couldn't even get inside my apartment because my key was in my wallet so first I called my roommate to be like ummmmm are you coming home any time soon (she was!) & then I called the only two people I knew who were still in town because I had no idea what on Earth to do & I had begun to panic already. Then I sat on the steps crying for a bit until I saw a maintenance worker nearby so I went over & asked him what are you supposed to do when you lose your wallet? He suggested I firstly head over to the rental office so I could at least get inside (genius man!).
So I got a new key, called the bus people, canceled my bank cards, canceled my student ID & bus pass, & calmed down a tiny bit, but not actually much at all. All of a sudden, I had nothing. I had no cash, no bank cards to procure cash from an ATM, no identification to ensure my bank that I am me so I couldn't get any there & I kind of needed groceries really a lot. I had no bus pass & no money to pay a bus fare to get to the DMV to get a license replacement. I didn't feel comfortable asking anyone to borrow because I also felt stupid for losing my wallet.
The next day I went to work & was advised to file a police report & do a credit freeze so I went ahead & did all that. But I still really needed help so I did the logical thing, I went home. I was so upset because I really wanted to spend spring break finding things to like about Los Angeles, & wasn't planning on going home this time, but I guess the city decided to teach me a lesson in "street smarts" instead of letting me see it's more friendly side.
At any rate, things are getting resolved slowly but surely. Still, I feel the need to do a bit of a PSA.
Keep your wits about you! I tend to maintain a really optimistic view on human nature so even though I know these kinds of things happen, I was not expecting it. Watch your wallet!!!
Have multiple forms of official ID. I seriously have none right now. I only had a driver's license & now I have a piece of paper. It is a temporary driver's license, but does not actually serve as an ID. Seeing as how I don't drive, it doesn't help much! I will probably be getting a passport or a second ID (not a license) this summer when I have more time so that in case this does happen again, I won't be in such a tough spot!
Hide money in your home. I wished so much that I had even $5 to pick up my prescription from the pharmacy! If only I had a secret stash in my apartment.
Carry only what you need. Luckily I never kept my social security card in my wallet! I know many people who do & that is a terrible idea! However, I do wish I had removed things like old library cards, membership cards that I'm never asked for, etc. because all of that just means whoever has my wallet has an easier time pretending they are legitimately me! I tend to keep my health insurance card on me in case I get hit by a car or something, but a lot of people advise you to take them only when you have a doctor's appointment & I sure am missing those cards right now so maybe that's a better idea.
No man is an island. Having moved for school, most of the friends I'd made were back in their respective hometowns for the break. However, my roommate provided great advice as far as how to rationally react to a missing wallet, as did people at work. One friend has been absolutely amazing to me, lending an ear for me to cry & complain to & also providing distractions so I wasn't spending all my time sitting & stewing & worrying about the whole thing. I've always liked the fact that I am fiercely independent, but sometimes you just have to rely on others. During my brief visit home, I actually got to see an old friend & it was so great to just laugh about idiotic things. Despite my reasons for being there, I was very glad to be there. In a lot of ways, this whole thing made me feel like people can be jerks sometimes, but they can also be amazing, sweet, & supportive. I am so beyond lucky to know such wonderful people & even though this whole thing sucks, it's nice to be reminded that there are people who care.
Regular posts to resume shortly (I hope!) I am back in Los Angeles. My hands are itching to create!!!