Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Really Crap Pictures Related to a Really Awesome Experience

So as you probably know, I love art & I love museums. I also love discounts on things! All of these things came together a really long time ago when LivingSocial had this deal where you could get an Indie membership at LACMA for a year for a mere $25! A friend of mine had told me about it, so I signed up right away! We finally turned our LivingSocial deals into actual memberships a few days ago, just in time to see the relatively new Tim Burton exhibit! In case you are a fan of his work & happen to find yourself in Los Angeles in the next couple of months, it'll be up until the end of October & I really recommend taking a visit. As with most temporary exhibits, photography was not allowed & at this one, they also insisted on not taking your cell phone out. We were allowed to take a picture of the entrance though, but since I was unprepared I had to make do with my phone. & I have no excuse for using my phone for the other pictures I'll be showing you except that sometimes I'm a little bit lazy.

Isn't this an exciting entrance? I was thrilled about it anyway.What I really love about Tim Burton, & what I think most people do, is his ability to create an entire world that pulls you in & immerses you fully. This exhibit stayed true to that aspect of Burton's work. There is so much to see! There are doodles, notebooks, work from when he was in high school even! There are letters written to & by Burton as well as notes & ideas for stories & films which was great to see; I love getting a glimpse of the process an artist goes through to get somewhere brilliant! I felt like I was in this exhibit for days, I lost all sense of time & the world outside of Burton's imagination.

Here is a crap picture of my ticket! It says I am a member, how special!

My friend & I both bought these neon pencils. They had teeny tiny, cuter pencils, but I felt these were more practical. As practical as neon pencils can be anyway. Basically I just wanted to take something home that said, "once upon a time I went to this museum I'm really fond of to see an impressive & amazing exhibit for an artist I'm really fond of." This does the trick! They are really fun pencils as well, I've been enjoying them greatly.


  1. Amazing! Honestly his stuff can be so out there and I love it, it reaches all sorts of audiences. I think the only movie I haven't liked too much was his remake of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but maybe that's because I saw a version dubbed in Spanish so I was annoyed the entire time haha.

  2. ahhhh I love Tim Burton. He is my inspiration for a lot of my drawing : )
