Sunday, May 30, 2010

So Sentimental

I still have months left of time before moving, but simply knowing that it is limited time has me feeling incredibly sentimental. I have been documenting life a lot more, tiny memories of the things I will miss most. Here are some pictures I took a few weeks ago:


  1. That first photograph is beautiful! I wish I'd taken more photographs before moving around, and I think these you have taken will make for very good reminders of the things that surrounded you and that you loved :)

  2. those photos are beautiful! i love the one of the spider :D

  3. I love the photos, that first one is great. The spider makes me nervous though hahah!

  4. i was nervous getting close enough to it to take pictures! in general, i have a, "leave bugs alone & they will leave you alone" policy so spiders & things don't really bother me until i'm getting close to them!

  5. that's exactly what i'm hoping for! thanks!
