It's been a few months since I started working on this other book & now it has a proper title. Unlike "plant collectors in bolivia", everything in this book has been included as it is written rather than compiled over a few years worth of material so a title was not easy to come up with so early; there is no way I could have predicted what I'd be writing about over the year.
But now, one theme does seem prevalent & that has become the title, "Love & Letting Go". This book is about feeling so in love with people, things, and moments that you're head is almost swollen, you are so close to floating into the clouds on love. But of course, you have to let it go sometimes. Nothing lasts forever except maybe the very act of loving itself. For everything & everyone that you love & let go, you find something new to fall in love with all over again. It is a cycle that is sometimes painful, always beautiful, & something that has been a huge part of my life so far this year. Some of these pages are immensely happy, some of them are lonely. I will be working on them until the end of this year, & I hope you will take the time to read them when they're ready.
[...] been quite some time since I updated about, “Love & Letting Go“. As I mentioned before, while this project is similar to “Plant Collectors in [...]