Monday, May 31, 2010
Learning to fly Again
This was my final project for a ceramics class I took this Spring. I only have a few quick photos of it that I snapped in the studio because it's going to be on display so I haven't been able to take it home yet. You can see the other pictures here.
The assignment was to create a self portrait that either actually looked like you, or that metaphorically represented some aspect of yourself. Over the past year, I had quite a lot to deal with in terms of "personal issues". But of course, I am tough as nails! . You will notice this version of our ugly bird has a bandaged wing, but the bandage is beginning to come off, it is no longer needed. Some things that happened were so hurtful, I was almost certain I could never really recover. Yet in time, I found myself learning to fly again.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
So Sentimental
Friday, May 28, 2010
Book 2: Love & Letting Go
But now, one theme does seem prevalent & that has become the title, "Love & Letting Go". This book is about feeling so in love with people, things, and moments that you're head is almost swollen, you are so clo
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Coin Jewelry
As someone who likes to make things, I also love to buy handmade! In my imagination, this is because we crafty people can better appreciate the effort & love that goes into handmade work.
At any rate, a few months ago, I purchased a necklace from a man named Terry Clift at what was essentially a street fair held on my former university's campus. I fell in love with much of his work because I love animal jewelry & I also really like looking at currency from other countries while daydreaming about what it might be like to live there. I wanted to make sure I had time to wear it before recommending this jewelry to anyone else. Please note that I am notoriously rough on my jewelry & have worn this out quite a few times.
Apparently Terry cuts each coin using a hand saw (um what?!?), the chains he uses are great quality, & he has a huge variety of currency! You can order from his website If I weren't trying to save money right now, I would definitely be all over the Greek 2 Drachma piece, the Trinidad & Tobago 1 cent, & the Uruguay 10 cent!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
My graduation from college was on Friday! While I loved my time at school & met some really wonderful people over the past five years, I am super beyond excited about moving on to something new. Getting my bachelor's was one of those things that at the time, seemed like it was taking forever, but in retrospect, seems like it happened so quickly!
I will be continuing on to graduate school so here is to hoping that a new city, new friends, & further education continue to expand my understanding of the world!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Dress Progress
As I've been saying, school is a time eater! Couple this with the fact that I am a bit of a slow worker (perfectionist) & you will see that certain projects can take months to complete! As the semester was winding down, I found myself able to cut my fabric & lining & at least pin the top half together.
Last weekend, I was able to stitch up this top part. I'm not using a pattern which is something I've never tried before & while I tried to pre-plan as much as possible, I'm much more of an "oh let's just do this!" person & am essentially making it up as I go along. One thing that came out exactly as I wanted is the back of the top
Now that school is over, I'm hoping I'll have time to attach the skirt part, put in a zipper, & maybe add on any extra bits that appeal to me in the fabric store. This will probably take a lot more time than you think it should.
Monday, May 17, 2010
An Elephant Story
I feel like I haven't posted here in ages, but it's only been a little over a week! I've been a bit busy finishing up last assignments & things, graduation is this Friday! I also celebrated a friend's engagement & had my birthday over the weekend so yes, busy would be an understatement. So excited about life in general right now!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Momma Seamonster
I finished momma a few days ago but decided to save the post until mother's day as it seemed appropriate.
Momma Seamonster is a full grown version of what our other seamonster will become. She, like most mommas, is protective of her baby & will eat you right up if you aren't careful! She is large, but still a fast swimmer & loves to wear a stylish pink bow. Happy mother's day, Momma Seamonster!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
- Layout. Things like customizable headers entice me. Plus, I much prefer the lighter colors & still get to keep the same features as the old one, huzzah!
- For Sale. I hate to sell things (my retail career lasted all of 3, maybe 4, months) & I especially hate to advertise to my friends so I will keep this as brief as possible. You will notice in my sidebar, there is now a "for sale" box. I am getting close to figuring out how I want to sell things. Instead of going through etsy, I will probably sell right here. In fact, I am testing out paypal buttons on two items right now.
The "for sale" box currently holds a link to "plant collectors in bolivia" on blurb. I have set that up so every time someone buys my book, I earn 5 whole entire American dollars. Every month, I will change the featured item in my side bar.
By the way, while you are looking at my sidebar, do check out those links!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Dealing With Birthday Anxiety
Something not too many people know about me is that I hate my birthday.
When people ask, "When's your birthday?" I tend to mumble, "Oh . . . in May . . .", trailing off to volumes no human ear will ever be able to hear & then immediately changing the subject to something more pleasant. "So puppies, cutest things ever, wouldn't you agree?"
It stresses me out, no kidding. I hate aging (I know!) & I hate how you are left with this expectation of "today must be super awesome & the best day ever of all time that I will ever have because I was born on this day x amount of years ago!".
However, this year, my birthday anxiety has been considerably less so (although still present, I must admit) & here is why:
- You must absolutely avoid making comparisons between yourself and your friends, family, classmates, coworkers, celebrities, random people for whom you can only make up stories. Although some of us have had similar upbringings & similar experiences, no one has ever lived the exact same life. We are not on a time line, things happen when they happen. I fully believe that people have a great amount of control over their lives (more than we often think we do!), but there is no way we can see into the future, you have no idea what the universe has in store for you, so let yourself be surprised.
- Face it. Your birthday will be here every year until you are not so you might as well learn to deal with it. Quit pretending it doesn't exist.
- Review your accomplishments. Have you forgotten all the wonderful things you've achieved in your lifetime? Or the many experiences you've had? Now is the time to remind yourself that you are in fact, pretty awesome, and that this new year of your life presents an opportunity for even more personal growth.
- Set your own new year resolution. While we are talking about personal growth, what would you really like to accomplish? I am planning to move to an entirely new city & start graduate school, but your goals don't have to be so drastic. I am also planning on buying a hula hoop, painting more, and getting better at playing the mandolin.
- Merge! I have been lucky the past few years in that my birthday has coincided with other celebratory occasions. My 21st was exactly the same day as my sister's graduation from college, My 22nd was conveniently the day after my first year anniversary with my then boyfriend, this year one of my closest friends is having her engagement party the day before my birthday, & I am lumping in celebrating my 23rd with celebrating my graduation from college doing something small, a dinner with some friends the week after.
What I'll probably be doing next year & what you can do this year if no special occasions match up with your birthday is make up your own holiday to celebrate! Declare the day International Wear Fairy Wings & Blow Bubbles Day or Super Underwear DanceFest! Use your Google & see if anything was invented on your birthday, celebrate that too! Plan a weekend trip & celebrate being on the road!
Not worrying so much about, "this day has to be special because it's my birthday" & choosing to think instead, "this day is going to be fun because I want it to be that way" is the best attitude to have. Combining your birthday with another celebration takes the focus off of you, which I find alleviates the stress immensely.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
The Tree who Lived
Finally I have a completed project to share with you! I feel like I have spent more time invested in school work the past three weeks or so than I have in my entire college career! I will be back in crafty action soon though.
This little tree shouldn't even be finished right now, in fact, it probably shouldn't even be intact and here is why:
I am not used to dealing with ceramics. I love my polymer clay which is cheap and can be baked in your regular oven, but I never had much a chance to work with for real hey here is a large chunk of the earth, make something! type of ceramics until I signed up for a class this semester.
& while I have been working diligently all semester long, I am a slow worker & a bit of a perfectionist so I barely put one project out to be fired a week or so ago.
Of course, this is the time when our kiln overheats, breaking the shelves and damaging several pieces beyond repair. By some chance of luck, the one piece I had in (our dear tree) was for the assignment with a 14" minimum height requirement so this tree baby was on the top shelf & instead of being crushed, was simply fused together with some other pieces & survived!
This piece could never be fired again since it already reached well beyond the highest temperature it should be able to handle, so instead of glazing, I was told to simply use acrylics. This actually made me really happy as it gave me an excuse to gesso spray something else & made it something I could do at home, saving studio time for my other pieces!