Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I actually finished this a while ago, but haven't really been in the mood for uploading images. Anyway, I think cameos are really pretty, but since it's pretty unlikely that I would actually learn the skills & acquire the tools to make one, I just  decided to make an embroidered cameo-looking thing. I haven't found a home for her because I'm not sure if I'm done here or if I want to make another for a kind of diptych or maybe even do a few  have a bit of a mini series. Whatever I end up choosing is going to affect the type of framing I want so for now I am just keeping her safe & hoping the fabric doesn't fray too much!


  1. I like it, I think cameos are very pretty too!

  2. Thanks! Hopefully I can figure out what to do about the frame soon.
