Sunday, August 29, 2010

Another Walk

I really liked this field. There were a bunch of fig trees that always looked dead; they were twisted at odd angles, they looked very dried out. But secretly, those fig trees are alive. In the spring, they bloom, in the summer they bear fruit. Something about that makes me happy. Like how when you're a kid & you genuinely believe that all of your toys come to life the second you close the bedroom door & walk away. These trees come to life when they think they have everyone fooled. It's like magic, magic that you're able to see when you're a grown up & supposed to be beyond believing in those things, it's wonderful.


  1. oh my, you are quite the adventurous person! looove this : )

  2. This entry makes me think of fall for some reason, I love it! Now I'm really anticipating it haha.

  3. I really wish it were fall too! Although I have no idea what to expect from fall in this new city!
