Thursday, January 27, 2011

Much Better

Alright then, a few simple alterations to that dress & it is now possibly one of my favorites! As planned, I took in the sides, the sleeves, & took up the hem. It needed less fuss than I initially thought it would so this was actually a really quick fix! Also, I don't really like skinny fabric belt things so I swapped that out for a belt I bought at the same store (good finds that day) which is much thicker, more contrasting, more my taste.

I did want to leave it relatively loose & long because I felt those were things that made the dress what it was. At any rate, I'm quite pleased with this little alteration.


  1. * A lot (separate but it got connect. )

  2. Cute! I like the after much better. Now you look like you walked off the set of Mad Men!! heheheheeh. I like it alot! Good job on hemming/alterations! Skillful my friend!


  3. I actually thought this dress was pretty reminiscent of the 1980s. Not like the whole whoo neon 80s, but like something my mom might have worn
