Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sharing v. Shy(ing?)

One thing that always confuses me about making things is whether or not I actually want anyone to see the final product. Sometimes I do, other times I don't, either because I wasn't pleased with the result or felt it was somehow too personal.

My reason for making things is not recognition. In fact, recognition is probably last on my list as I have been incredibly shy my entire life. I am one of those people who really have to make an effort to be outspoken (until of course we have become friends & then the gabbing never ends).

I make things because if I don't I will probably go crazy. I have too many ideas & little idea babies who haven't decided what kind of idea they want to be just yet. And honestly, those things must leave your head if you wish to be a functional human being.

So here is where sharing becomes a great thing. When I show somebody something I've made & they actually understand it & appreciate it, I feel amazing! Very connected to the world & other people, like someone else understands my secret language. Because it is something so personal & really because I can be so shy, everything I make is something I have been dying to say, but could never manage it in words.

But sometimes sharing is a pain! I hate when people use my images without asking or for something I certainly wouldn't use it for on the internet, again, because it is such a personal thing. It can also be difficult to hear someone being critical about something you've put a lot of time into creating.

So if you are still following, what is your opinion on sharing your creations/ideas on the internet? Do you feel it is better to connect with as many people possible & just put up with the annoyances? Or do you think it is best to keep personal things personal?


  1. I know what you mean, I've always been quite private about my art. What I like about sharing things online is that you get actual criticism, more direct, (as opposed to a lot of people offline afraid to hurt your feelings and telling you positive things about your work when they might be thinking otherwise), and although it can be hurtful, if taken objectively I think it could be such an immense help. At least that's my case.
    As far as whether or not to do it, I suppose it depends on your goals! I think putting my things online would not only help me get exposed to more people, but also get opinions from people all over the world, with different perspectives and inputs to offer. I think that's wonderful! It also depends on personality, as some people love to put themselves out there and others prefer to keep to themselves. I like to keep to myself as well, so I choose which ideas I keep to myself until I'm ready to share, if I end up sharing at all.
    Sorry for the ramble! xx

  2. i appreciate the ramble! i’m pretty curious about how others feel about these things & i agree with a lot of what you said.
    i really do love the feedback you can get online because you don’t necessarily have to think, “are you only saying you like it because you’re my friend?”
