Monday, June 14, 2010

Further Dress Progress

Oh hello, it's me, the slowest seamstress you will ever meet. I have some pictures to share of the dress actually looking like a dress. I am still fine tuning the fit because I get so obsessive over that kind of thing. I've spent so many hours taking it off, pinning, & putting it on again. The nice thing about being your own dress form is that the dress fits you perfectly. Every unsymmetrical aspect of your body has exactly the kind of tailoring it needs! The not so nice thing about being your own dress form is being pricked repeatedly by pins. At any rate, I am pleased with the progress & found a nice yellow ribbon which I am thinking of adding to the waist.

Hopefully the next time I post about this dress, I will be saying, "hooray, I've a finished project to show you!"


  1. so cute! that's a beautiful dress :)
    and yeah making your own dresses is the way to go ^^

  2. Super cute!!! Is it lined? I totally understand about the pins. They just don't make fat girl dress forms. I always stick myself. That's why I stopped making fitted clothes! ;) (uh, yeah, that's it, that's the reason)

  3. Ooh, I can't wait to see the finished product because it looks really awesome already!

  4. thanks! making your own clothes is definitely a lot of fun, i just wish i were faster at it!

  5. it is lined! which is another reason why it's taking so long!!!
    i think i will have my next sewing project be something made of jersey so it'll be a little less fitted & a lot less work!

  6. i think i'll be able to get it done soon!
