Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tiny Flowers: Finished!

All done! Here is what that skirt looks like on someone standing in front of their closet. I wish I could have other people model my creations, anyone in Los Angeles up for posing? I can pay you in love & friendship!

Anyway, I'm feeling pretty confident about this pattern. It can be reproduced & altered pretty easily which is fantastic! If I were feeling more ambitious, I'd attempt to make something in other sizes for other people, but I'm so slow, I don't know if anyone would be patient enough to wait for something to be done!


  1. That's so lovely! I am jealous that you can sew so well.

  2. Thanks! I still wish I was a little neater, sometimes I get so excited about a project that I just want to see what it looks like all done!

  3. Woah, you are one talented lady! The skirt looks awesome, I agree with Stephanie, very jealous of your ability!
