Friday, May 6, 2011

Pulled into Pinterest

I obviously spend way too much time on the internet & now I guess that is going to increase. Or rather, the time I spend on the internet is going to become even less productive somehow because a friend of mine sent me an invite to Pinterest. Pintrerest kind of reminds me of Tumblr which I had for a while & didn't like, except that since Pinterest doesn't cause people to lose credit for their work quite as much since the point is to bookmark things.

& now my productivity will take a giant fall as it already has, but I will certainly be collecting magical bookmarks to hopefully return to later. I just don't want this to get out of hand! Egad!

I am here.


  1. Hey, I'm following you now! It's been awhile since I've been on pinterest, I totally forgot I had it :O

  2. I hope I forget about it soon! The last thing I need is more online distractions!
